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Writer's pictureEmily Duke Hargan

The Dogwood Tree

This morning as I was out walking, I passed a beautiful Dogwood tree. I paused to take this photo. As I stood there, in the early morning rain under the tree, I remembered growing up in North Carolina with Dogwoods scattered in our front lawn. Their white and pink blossoms announcing the arrival spring—and Easter.

There is a story told in the South about the Dogwood tree. I’d read it in Sunday school when I was a little girl. The legend holds that the Dogwood tree was once very large and strong—as big as a great Oak tree. It provided the wood used to build the cross on which Jesus was crucified. Because of its role in the crucifixion, it is said that God both cursed and blessed the Dogwood tree. He made it small so that it would never be used again for a crucifixion. And He made it to produce beautiful flowers each spring, just in time for Easter.

Dogwood trees symbolize life. That first blossom on the tree signals the end of winter and the beginning of spring. The good news is that the Dogwood tree brings joy and beauty that a new life or rebirth brings.#uncovergoodnews

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